S4 Curricular Evening

S4 Parents Information Evening – Tuesday 4th February 2025

Our S4 cohort will soon be considering their subject choices for S5. Periods of transition can present challenges for many young people and we are keen to support them in making a smooth transition. As part of this programme, we plan to host an information evening for the parents/carers of young people in S4. There will be a presentation providing information about the upcoming curriculum choice process and guidance about how best to support your child to navigate this.

In anticipation of significant interest and to ensure that we are able to accommodate both pupils and their parent(s), the presentation will be offered in two sessions:

Session 1 : 6.00pm – 6.30pm for parents/carers of pupils in 4A – 4E.

Session 2 : 7.00pm – 7.30pm for parents/carers of pupils in 4F – 4K.

Your child’s class is noted on their printed timetable. If you/your child are unsure of the allocated class, please enquire at the school office or direct your child to myself or Mr Wake.

The focus of the evening will be on ensuring that every young person makes subject choices that will maximise their attainment and support their chosen career pathway.

Yours faithfully,

Pauline Crean

Depute Head Teacher

Park Mains High School

0300 300 1411

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