German Language Adventure

On Monday, 11th December S3 pupils took part in “The German Language Adventure” which was organised through the Goethe Institute.

105 S3 pupils were involved. In addition, a group of S6 pupils helped with the organisation of the event. This included setting up work stations and ensuring that groups remained focussed throughout all the activities. Once all activities had been completed, our S6 pupils assisted with the dismantling of all the work stations.

The 105 pupils were divided into groups of 4. The groups were a mixture of boys and girls from different classes. This ensured that pupils worked collaboratively with others. Once the aim of the game had been explained, each group worked through all the stations, in the order they considered would provide them with most points.

Teams had to provide answers to various cultural and scientific questions, using the cue cards provided. German cities were located in each of the 4 classrooms used. For example, in the city of Stuttgart, one group member had to drive a car blindfold, guided only by the directions of the other group members.

A time limit was imposed and the results were then collated. At the allocated time, pupils re-grouped in the assembly hall. Prizes were distributed and pupils were able to see some of the photographs which were taken during the event. In addition to having fun, this allowed pupils to discover more about German language and culture. The importance of language learning was reinforced.

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