Head Teacher’s blog – Week beginning 11.5.15




Dress code

The vast majority of our pupils adhere to our dress code and I hope take pride in wearing the Park Mains High School uniform.   However some pupils do challenge the expectations and recently the main challenges have been –

  • Girls wearing legging/jeggings
  • Girls wearing very short fashion skirts and
  • Pupils wearing footwear which is not all black.

As our senior pupils are mostly on study leave at present the Depute Head Teachers are taking this time to remind S1-3 pupils of our expectations.   This will be followed up by letters being sent home if required.

I would welcome the support of all parents in this matter and ask that when purchasing new items of clothing or  footwear that they be appropriate for our dress code.  Should you have any questions regarding what is appropriate please call and speak to your child’s Year Head.


Pupil bags

I am concerned that many pupils routinely leave their school bags lying unattended around the building or grounds at lunchtime.  I would like to remind all pupils and parents that if any bags/items are lost/stolen when a bag is left unattended that the school is not liable and would urge pupils not to leave their valuable unattended at any times.

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